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week five reflections

a couple of ideas and my routine

thoughts public-journaling


I have this idea since maybe 2-3 months that even the best experts cannot predict what will happen next in life - it is so unpredictable. The longer one goes into the future, the less certain it is. We can treat it like insecurity, but I fund it charming. So you have your life and you own it and not even the smartest person not even the most sophisticated algorithm not now, not even in 100 years will be able to consider the infinity of variables that are defining our reality...



Google Analytics does not show any new much of a change. I will change the GDPR pop-up to force user to click by hiding the content.

On Telegram I invited my friends to join the channel.

skills and knowledge

Today on the new contest I again managed to solve 2 problems out of 4. The results as usual will appear on the site only in the middle of the week.

body and soul

I noticed last week that stretching has an unexpected relaxing effect on my body. My mood was also more confident and calm although some days were more challenging than on the previous week. I did as an experiment the following setup: stretching - random main workout - back workout - stretching. In total it took me 30 minutes. I have been doing workouts in the morning starting from October. That is the first think I do. This helps me to transition from sleepiness to day with mindfulness.
