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I quit my job

week eleven reflections

thoughts public-journaling


I quit my job. The decision was tough. Now I want to apply for a few Master's programs in Germany. I will sit the IELTS exam on the 15th of April. I will focus on NLP for the next weeks and months. I have been postponing this, and the moment has come. I will prepare my first educational video in the coming week.


I decided to start producing video content. One informal about me in Russian in the TikTok/shorts/reels genre. So far, I have done it in the TikTok only. One formal professional dedicated to the area where I want to build expertise - YouTube. This area is NLP / Text Analysis for the Russian language. This niche looks vacant to me. My mentee, Akbar, was surprised by my choice of writing about NLP for the Russian language in English. I see the need for tools and better services for the West to understand this language better.


I was off for over 2 weeks, so only a few people visited my blog. No wonder. Consistency is what attracts my community.

Here the number of my community members has just slightly decreased. The surprising twist was when 3 people unsubscribed after I shared the link to TikTok.

skills and knowledge

With LeetCode, the status is demotivating. Not only did I not solve problems, but I also participated in a contest yesterday and solved 0 problems. But such is a life full of ups and downs. This is not the last downturn, and I know I will shine even brighter in this area soon.

body and soul

Mental health. How much do we care about it? How much does stress affects us? What stresses us? Do we understand it? I seriously underestimated how much my expectations from people influenced me. I learned that I seek deeper relationships while most people - at least in my circle - prefer superficial / "professional" ones.
