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Akbar about me

what my mentee Akbar writes about me


Particularly in my life, Farrukh played an impactful role embarking on many breakthroughs in it. In periods of uncertainty and vagueness, he acted as a lighthouse lighting the right path. Unfortunately or fortunately, I did not always follow, which might be because of my stubbornness or basic forgetfulness. However, obtained ideas and pieces of advice that were not used in time were crucial in the long-term, and I firmly believe that they are one of the main reasons who I became.

"The lighthouses do not run all over the island looking for which boat to save, they just stand there and shine.”

October 19, 2021 - the day we first met offline. It was indeed interesting to see him in person after two years of communication through the internet. That is the exact time when expectations and reality collide. A man with a thinking look and a genuine smile. Our Bukharian trip was full of joyful moments, finding vegetarian food for his german-turkish friend Ali, and a spontaneous game of chess in the old city. I also remember how he lent me his jacket on a chilly evening, a true picture of friendship and respect.

Except for joyful moments, I also gained some valuable thoughts. Here is the one embedded in my mind from this evening:

The piece of advice from our conversations that I follow these days:

I would describe him as a realist with light pedantic manners possessing executive discipline, diligence, and hard work in every aspect. The fact that he always asks how to prepare before our calls and wills to give as much time as needed or more if necessary is excellent proof. Overall, Farrukh is a person whom I always can rely on and seek guidance from. No words can describe my gratitude towards him for being constantly with me and offering continuous support.

Akbar Nurullaev Original Telegram Blog Post
