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Artyom about me

what my student Artyom writes about me


I met Farrukh at the age of 14 at the West Camp children's camp. At that time I was a vacationing eighth grader, and he was the camp Program Manager. By chance, we got to know each other at a game of chess, and I found out that Farrukh was searching for a student for teaching mathematics. I was greatly inspired by his out-of-the-box thinking and resourcefulness, using which he was beating me over and over again, and I decided that not only is this person able to teach me mathematics, but also he could nurture correct thinking and problem-solving skills in me.

That summer, I started to study mathematics with Farrukh. My progress in advanced mathematics was easily observed. In the 9th grade, I reached the district round of the Mathematics Olympiad and won the Al-Khwarizmi Tashkent Competition of Mathematics and Logic. After that, I entered the Westminster Lyceum with the second result in mathematics. During three years, I consistently reached the regional round of the Math Olympiad, for three years in a row, I took 3rd and 2nd places in the Annual Festival of Mathematics held by Moscow State University (MSU). Graduated from the branch of the Korean University INHA in Tashkent with honors.

I am convinced that most of my scintillating achievements were reached thanks to Farrukh. He constantly tried to use innovative and interactive approaches so as to pique my interest, which resulted in better assimilation of the covered material. One of his methods was to ask questions on a topic that had not been covered yet such that I would think myself and try to figure out how the formula was developed, and only after that he taught me the topic itself. Another thing that Farrukh taught me is to constantly ask questions. I use this trick in daily life while solving any problems and tasks. Having formulated and pronounced the question, it is much easier to find the answer to it.

Back in 2014, Farrukh was willing to teach me the progressive Python programming language, but to my great regret, at that time I was not interested in and refused to study it. Now in 2022, Python is the most common and worldwide programming language that I have to learn and that is essential in my studies and work.

For so many years, we have not lost touch and maintain excellent friendly relations. I certainly consult and communicate with Farrukh regarding all my problems and promotions on the career and educational ladder and constantly receive a lot of valuable advice from him, both regarding life issues and the topics of contemporary trends and state-of-the-art technologies. I hope that in the future all of this will only be strengthened and that our cooperation will be mutual. Farrukh is an excellent mentor, who did the starting movement for all my life breakthroughs, and a person whom I can always rely on.

Stitsyuk Artyom, student of the Master's and PhD integrated program at KAIST University in Korea in the direction of Artificial Intelligence
