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week eight reflections

thoughts public-journaling


I started reading The Power of Ritual by Casper ter Kuile.
I was expecting it to be more pop.
That person is a bold one.
He went to Harvard Divinity School.
There were at least three ideas so far.
First, communities are crucial for people to fulfil the deep need that people have.
Second, one can read a text close to them, most probably in a native language, in a way that makes them reconnect with themselves.
This person managed to build a successful podcast to prove the point.
He started to read Harry Potter in a way that helped people find deeper meaning.
They called it sacred reading.
I have yet to try it.
It is hard for me to think of a work that can fit the purpose
Reading was also more of an intimate process for me.
The last idea that I touched on was a sabbath.
The same idea is mentioned by many people.
Although it has its roots in religion - but what does not - it can be applied to daily life.
I tried it a couple of times but failed.
I failed to persuade my whole family to follow.



I got +80 subscribers, true.
It was again due to shares.
It is also due to the first real post that I have made - a book review.
As you see, the second spike below was mostly attributed to the multiple shares of my two posts

As you see here, most of my readers are from Uzbekistan.
Yes, I want to bring value to people from my motherland.

skills and knowledge

I solved only one problem last contest.
So my rating went down.
That was the contest when I felt close to solving the hard problem.
The second, the medium one, I even needed to figure out how to solve.
And again, I got a problem with bitwise operations that I failed to solve.

Finally, for more than 70 days, I have been solving problems without a break, and finally, my max steak started to grow.
Only a little important but motivating.

body and soul

This week I had a chance to walk more during the day.
As the days get longer, the evening walks will again be enjoyed.
One of my friends made a ritual out of it.
He truly followed all the three steps that Casper shows in his book:
(attention) he gives his complete attention to the walk
(intention) he walks when he decides
(repetition) he does it daily
Although he sometimes does crazy things, I consider him one of the wisest people.
It always feels like he lived more than one life.
